Access and Disability Support

Whitman College is committed to provide fair and equal access for students with disabilities and ensure that they have an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all the College’s programs and activities. Any student with a documented disability, chronic illness, severe allergy, or an injury (including concussion) that results in a temporary disability is welcome to make an appointment to discuss their options for support and accommodations. Accommodations include (but are not limited to) extended time and a reduced-distraction environment for exams, note-taking services, and assistive technology in and out of the classroom and during exams. We can also alert faculty to medical or mental health conditions that may affect the classroom environment or a student’s attendance and participation, and arrange accommodations within a student’s housing environment.

A student requesting accommodations can initiate the process at any time during their academic career by meeting with the Assistant Director: Disability Support Services or the Disability Support Specialist. For additional information and complete policies, please visit our website at