
Chair: Andrea K. Dobson

Jessica Sutter


About the Department

Courses are concerned with the planets, stars, and galaxies which compose the physical universe, and with the techniques for investigating the nature of these objects. The introductory courses contribute to a general understanding of our place in the universe. The advanced courses have frequent relevance for students in physics, chemistry, and other sciences.

Students interested in graduate work in astronomy are encouraged to major in Physics-Astronomy or in Physics with an Astronomy minor, since most graduate schools look for the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in Physics. Some students with other interests also have designed individual combined majors such as Astrobiology.

Learning Goals

Upon graduation, a student will be able to:

  • Clearly and accurately articulate in qualitative terms, both orally and in writing, our current understanding of various components of the Universe and describe the observations on which that understanding is based.
  • Read and comprehend moderately technical astronomical literature.
  • Solve problems using discipline-specific knowledge and techniques.


For students who started at Whitman College prior to Fall 2024, selected courses in Astronomy count toward the sciences and/or quantitative analysis distribution areas.

For students who start at Whitman College in Fall 2024 or later, please refer to the General Studies section for a full list of courses that count toward each distribution area.

Programs of Study


This course offers an introduction to our present knowledge of the universe and the historical development of humanity’s changing understanding of the cosmos. Emphasis not only on the nature of planets, stars, and galaxies, but also on the evolutionary processes which occur in the universe, including cosmology and the origin of the elements, the formation and life cycles of stars, and the development of planetary systems. Three lecture/lab sessions per week. Not open to physical science majors. Astronomy 110 does not count toward Astronomy or Astronomy-combined majors.

A survey of planets and their motions, planetary satellites, comets, meteorites, and interplanetary material. Several problem sets and exams, short research paper, and one evening lab session each week. Offered in rotation with Astronomy 178, 179.

An introduction to the properties of stars, their motions, and their distributions in space. Several problem sets and exams, short research paper, and one evening lab session each week. Offered in rotation with Astronomy 177, 179.

An introduction to the structure of galaxies and to the large-scale structure and evolution of the universe. Several problem sets and exams, short research paper, and one evening lab session each week. Offered in rotation with Astronomy 177, 178.

A survey of cosmological discoveries and their impact on our understanding of our location in space and time. Several problem sets and exams, short research paper and oral presentation, and occasional outdoor labs. This course applies to the science distribution area, but not science with a laboratory.

A survey of planetary systems around other stars and current research into the possibilities for life elsewhere in the universe.  Several problem sets and exams, short research paper and oral presentation, and occasional outdoor labs.  This course applies to the science distribution area, but not science with a laboratory.

Astronomical study and research is heavily dependent on the use of computers for analyzing data as well as communicating that data to collaborators, other scientists, and the public.  We regularly carry powerful computers in our pockets, ostensibly to make telephone calls, but the normal course of education does not teach how to undertake technical tasks on the computer.  In this class, students will gain proficiency in many areas required for professional proficiency in astronomy.  Namely, this will include Linux use and file management using a variety of desktop managers, typesetting documents in LaTeX, construction of scientific figures, and an introduction to astronomical programing in FORTRAN and python.

Of interest to majors in physics or physics-astronomy, this course considers the application of the principles of atomic structure and the radiation laws to the interpretation of the spectra of stars and nebulae; the physical principles underlying the study of the structure of stars, energy generation by thermonuclear reactions, and nucleosynthesis; and theoretical and observational aspects of stellar evolution. Several problem assignments and a midterm examination. Offered in alternate years with Astronomy 320.

Intended for physics-astronomy majors but also open to majors in related sciences. The constituents and structure of our own and other galaxies, the nature of quasars and active galaxies, and the large-scale structure of the universe itself. Reading assignments will be made in various books and scientific journals. Several problem assignments and a mid-term test. Offered in alternate years with Astronomy 310.

Intended for majors in physics-astronomy and related sciences. The study of the universe: how it originated, the formation and evolution of structures, the curvature of space and time. Several problem sets, exams, research paper. Offered in alternate years.

Intended for majors in astronomy, astronomy-geology, and related sciences. The study of solar system objects: interiors, surfaces, atmospheres, and orbital mechanics. Several problem sets, exams, research paper.

Intended for majors in astronomy, physics-astronomy, and related sciences. The study of observational astronomy across the full electromagnetic spectrum as well as gravitational waves. Specifically looking at detector technologies, telescope design, data reduction, the current state of the art in both ground-based and space-based observational astronomy missions, and the physics governing emission across the spectrum. Several problem sets, exams, project.

Selected topics in contemporary astronomy and astrophysics; the precise area of study will be designated prior to registration for the semester in which the course is offered. See course schedule for any current offerings.

Discussion and directed reading and/or observational work on a topic of interest to the individual student.

Oral reports by students on reading and research projects. Faculty and visiting scientist guest lectures. Discussion of recent works of importance to the field and problem-solving exercises. No examinations. One meeting per week. May be repeated for a maximum of two credits.

An advanced interdisciplinary independent study project for astronomy or astronomy-combined majors; students wishing to do a senior research project should choose project advisors and propose an interdisciplinary topic during the second semester of their junior year.

Preparation of an honors thesis. Required of and limited to senior honors candidates in astronomy.