Combined Major

Art-Environmental Studies Major


The Art-Environmental Studies major is designed to serve students whose deep interest in environmental issues dovetails with a developing capacity for creative thinking and production in the visual arts.

Total credit requirements for an Art-Environmental Studies major: 40 credits in Art and additional supporting coursework, plus 25 credits in required coursework for all Environmental Studies majors

Common Requirements for all Environmental Studies Majors

Total credit requirements for an Environmental Studies major: A student who enters Whitman College with no advanced placement or transferrable credits will need to take a minimum of 25 credits of introductory and foundational coursework in Environmental Studies, plus additional credits in coursework specific to their area of concentration.

  • Required Courses
    • Introductory Coursework: Environmental Studies 120 and 207
    • Foundation Coursework: Fulfill the following requirements for the two areas outside of your area of concentration (arts and humanities, natural and physical sciences, or social sciences).
      • Environmental Arts and Humanities: Take two elective courses from the list below.
      • Environmental Natural and Physical Sciences: Take 7 credits in elective courses from the list below. Credits must come from at least two departments, and include at least one course with a lab.
      • Environmental Social Sciences: Take two elective courses from the list below.
    • Interdisciplinary Coursework: Take one interdisciplinary elective from the list below.
    • Senior Coursework: Environmental Studies 479
  • Additional Requirements
    • Fulfill all of the requirements for a major in a specific area of concentration, chosen from:
      • Environmental Arts and Humanities: Art-Environmental Studies or Environmental Humanities
      • Environmental Natural and Physical Sciences: Biology-Environmental Studies, Chemistry-Environmental Studies, Geology-Environmental Studies, or Physics-Environmental Studies
      • Environmental Social Sciences: Anthropology-Environmental Studies, Economics-Environmental Studies, History-Environmental Studies, Politics-Environmental Studies, or Sociology-Environmental Studies
  • Senior Requirements
    • Environmental Studies 479
    • Further requirements as specified by the chosen major
  • Honors
    • Specified within each major
  • Notes
    • Up to 8 transfer credits may be applied to a major in Environmental Studies.
    • No courses taken P-D-F can be applied toward the major.

Requirements for Art-Environmental Studies Majors

  • Complete the Common Requirements for all Environmental Studies Majors (25 Credits)
  • Required Courses
    • Studio Art (6 courses):
      • Two beginning-level or Foundations courses in any area, chosen from Art 102-116, 123, 125, 130, 160, 167, 170, 180, and any 100-level special projects courses labeled “Foundations”
      • One beginning-level 3D course, chosen from Art 130 or 160
      • One intermediate, 200-level course in any chosen area
      • One advanced, 300-level course in any chosen area
      • Art/Environmental Studies 314
    • Art History (3 courses):
      • Art History 203 and 352 (note 203 this is a prerequisite for all Art History courses above 203)
      • On additional Art History course, chosen from Art History 130, 150, 211, 227, 228, 229, or 355
    • One additional elective chosen from the Arts and Humanities foundational courses for Environmental Studies.
    • Senior Coursework (2 courses):
      • Art 480 and 490
  • Senior Requirements
    • Art 480 and 490
    • Senior assessment will take place within Art 490 and consists of:
      • Original body of work for the Senior Thesis Exhibit. This work should clearly reflect an environmental focus and synthesis of ideas gleaned from Art, Environmental Studies, and Art History coursework.
      • Written artist statement
      • Oral defense of work before a committee of 3-4 advisors from Arts, Art History, and Environmental Studies.
  • Honors
    • Students do not apply to admission to candidacy for honors.
    • Students must submit a proposal for their thesis or project within the first six weeks of the two-semester period in which they are eligible.
    • Accumulated at least 87 credits
    • Completed two semesters of residency at Whitman
    • Major GPA of at least 3.500
    • Complete a written thesis or research project prepared exclusively for the satisfaction of this program.
    • Earn a grade of at least A- on the honors thesis or project and the honors thesis course.
    • Pass the senior assessment with distinction.
    • Chair of the department will notify the Registrar of students attaining honors no later than the beginning of Week 12.
    • An acceptable digital copy of the honors thesis must be submitted to Penrose Library no later than Reading Day.
  • Notes
    • Art/Environmental Studies 314 cannot be used to fulfill the interdisciplinary elective requirement for Environmental Studies majors.
    • Because the same learning goals are accomplished in both courses, students may take either Art 115 or 116 for credit and to fulfill requirements for their major, but not both.
    • Art History 226 or 352 can be used to fulfill either the Art History course requirement or the foundational Arts and Humanities elective requirement, but not both.
    • No courses may be taken P-D-F.
Item #
6 - 8
3 - 4
6 - 8
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits