Combined Major

Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology Major

Total credits required for a BBMB major: 63 credits, including supporting Chemistry and Mathematics courses, for students who started the major before Fall 2024; 66 credits for students starting in Fall 2024 or later.

  • Required Biology Courses
    • Biology 101, 101L, 102, 102L, and 205
  • Required Chemistry Courses
    • Chemistry 125, 126, 135, and 136; or 140
    • Chemistry 245, 246, 251, and 252
  • Required Physics Courses
    • Physics 145 or 155; and 156
  • Required Mathematics Courses
    • Mathematics 225 (prerequisites: Mathematics 124 or 125; and 126)
  • Required BBMB Courses
    • BBMB 324, 325, 326, 334, 335, 336, and 400
  • Additional Required Courses
    • BBMB, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics 490 or 498
    • At least 7 additional credits from courses at the 200-level or above in BBMB, Biology (excluding Biology 206), Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, or Physics
  • Senior Requirements
    • BBMB 400 and BBMB, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics 490 or 498
    • Senior assessment
      • Oral examination administered by two faculty members
      • Research-based thesis
  • Honors
    • Students do not apply for admission to candidacy for honors.
    • Accumulated at least 87 credits
    • Completed two semesters of residency at Whitman
    • Major GPA of at least 3.500
    • Complete a written thesis or research project prepared exclusively for the satisfaction of this program.
    • Earn a grade of at least A- on the honors thesis.
    • Pass both the oral and written components of the senior assessment with distinction.
    • Chair of the department will notify the Registrar of students who are candidates for honors no later than the beginning of Week 12.
    • An acceptable digital copy of the honors thesis must be submitted to Penrose Library no later than Reading Day.
  • Notes
    • Only 1 credit of Chemistry 401, 402, or Mathematics 299 may be applied toward the major.
    • Up to 2 credits of independent projects (Biology 481, and 482, Chemistry 390, 451, and 452, Computer Science 481 and 482, or Physics 483 and 484) can count for elective credit.
    • No P-D-F courses.
Total Credits