
Chair: Heidi E.M. Dobson

Mysia Dye

Arielle M. Cooley

Delbert W. Hutchinson (on sabbatical, Fall 2024)

Kate Jackson

Thomas A. Knight

Britney L. Moss

Sabrina Mostoufi

Timothy H. Parker

Matthew Tien (on sabbatical, 2024-2025)

Daniel M. Vernon

Christopher S. Wallace

Rachel Wilson

Ginger S. Withers


About the Department

Biology courses address the properties and mechanisms of life. The curriculum emphasizes the integration of all levels from molecular to ecological, with evolution as a unifying theme, and requires all seniors to complete a research thesis. The department serves students who expect to work in a biological field or related profession such as medicine, as well as those who elect biology as part of a general education (see

A student who enters Whitman without any prior college-level preparation in biology will have to complete 50 credits, including courses in chemistry; mathematics, statistics, physics, and/or computer science; and biology, to fulfill the requirements for the Biology major.

Learning Goals

Upon graduation,

  • Students will understand core biological concepts including:
    • Evolution (the process creating the diversity of life-forms and the phylogenetic relationships among major groups).
    • Structure and function (the basic units of biological structures that control the functions of living things).
    • Information flow, exchange, and storage (the influence of genetics on the control of the development of phenotypes).
    • Pathways and transformations of energy and matter (the ways in which chemical transformation pathways and the laws of thermodynamics govern biological systems).
    • The nature of complex systems.
  • Students will be capable of understanding, interpreting, and critically evaluating scientific information presented in multiple forms (e.g., numeric, graphical, written).
  • Students will be capable of conducting a structured scientific inquiry and thoroughly communicating scientific biological knowledge.


For students who started at Whitman College prior to Fall 2024, all 100-level courses (except 101/101L), as well as Biology 205 and 210, count toward the Sciences requirement. Selected courses count toward the Sciences or Quantitative Analysis requirement (see course descriptions).

For students who start at Whitman College in Fall 2024 or later, please refer to the General Studies section for a full list of courses that count toward each distribution area.

Programs of Study


Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Fall: Cooley, Dye; Spring: Dye, Jackson

Life on Earth is breathtakingly diverse, yet shares a common evolutionary origin and a common dependence on a global web of interactions. In this course for prospective Biology majors, students will explore how evolution generates the biological diversity that exists today and how these evolutionary processes shape and are shaped by features of individuals, populations, and the environment. We will also explore features of ecosystems vital to sustaining this diversity, including the flow of life-sustaining energy and the cycling of chemical building blocks of life.

Corequisite Courses
Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Fall: Jackson, Dye; Spring: Cooley, Dye

In this lab, students will develop essential scientific skills, including careful observation, data collection, and analysis, scientific communication, and the structure-function relationships in a variety of organisms.

Corequisite Courses
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Cooley, Moss

Life operates at the level of the cell. In this course, students will examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms common to all life. Topics will include the structure and function of cells in the context of the inheritance, regulation, and evolution of genes and genomes. Students will also consider the connections between molecular and cellular mechanisms and organismal functions, such as acquiring energy, coordinating cell activities, and maintaining homeostasis.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Prerequisite or Corequisite

Chemistry 126 and 136 (unless Chemistry 140 previously completed).


Biology 101 and 101L; and Chemistry 125 and 135 (or Chemistry 140).

Corequisite Courses
Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Cooley, Moss

In this lab, students will employ a variety of molecular and cellular research techniques and develop their abilities to analyze and present quantitative and observational scientific data.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Prerequisite or Corequisite

Chemistry 126 and 136 (unless Chemistry 140 previously completed).


Biology 101 and 101L; and Chemistry 125 and 135 (or Chemistry 140).

Corequisite Courses
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Evolution is a word that seems to attract curiosity and controversy wherever it goes. In this non-majors biology class we will talk about what evolution is and isn’t, and how evolutionary theory can be used or misused in a variety of social and scientific contexts. Topics may include the evolutionary responses of organisms to climate change; the evolution of our food; how principles of evolution inform medicine; and how misapplication of evolutionary concepts has been used to support racist and sexist ideas in the United States. Work will include readings, class discussion, individual and group projects, lecture, and homework assignments.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Studying the Past (STP)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Wallace and Withers
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

The general principles common to all life. Topics are: chemical basis of life and cellular metabolism, cell and tissue structure and function, mitosis and meiosis, information storage and retrieval, and life support mechanisms. Although designed as an introduction to the major, nonmajor students are welcome. Laboratories will consist of exercises illustrating the principles covered in lecture. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory per week.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Chemistry 125 and 135; or Chemistry 140.


Chemistry 126 and 136 (unless Chemistry 140 was previously completed). Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 111L.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

This course emphasizes applying basic ecological and evolutionary principles to inferring processes responsible for biological patterns students observe in the field. The core of the class is weekly trips in the region between the Columbia River and the Blue Mountains. On these trips students gain familiarity with common plants and animals of the region as part of the process of developing and applying skills observing biological patterns. Students learn to interpret these patterns in light of biological concepts learned in class. Two one-hour lectures and one five-hour field trip per week. Designed for nonscience majors with special applicability for environmental studies majors. Field trips begin at 11 a.m. and extend through the lunch hour and into the afternoon. Offered in alternate years.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 115L.

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

This course provides a basic introduction to the biology of plants, and is designed for non-biology majors. It examines plant structure, physiology, reproduction, and ecology, including evolutionary adaptations to different environments. Two lectures per week.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Biology 129 (optional).

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Designed for non-science majors. An introduction to principles of genetics related to medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. The class will focus on selected genetics-related topics of current social, environmental or economic importance, and will include student-led investigations into benefits and controversies of those topics and related applications.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Behavior and mental life are framed by genetics, profoundly shaped by the circumstances of our development, and implemented by chemical signaling.   This course is intended as a compact introduction to biological principles that complement exploration of topics like gender, nature vs. nurture, and sociality from cognitive or cultural perspectives. Topics will include genes and genomes, what it means--in operational terms-- for a cell to be alive, how information is encoded into molecular signals, how a complex animal develops from a single cell (i.e., fertilized egg), and the interactions between DNA and environment in producing complex behavior.  The course offers a way for students without a previous background in biology to 1) encounter the analytical tools of current biology; 2) analyze and interpret biological data; 3) apply these basic biological principles to problems in the social and behavioral sciences. This course is not intended for students planning to major, minor, or attend graduate school in the life sciences, and does not substitute for Biology 111.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

An introduction to the science of nutrition with focus on how the foods we eat promote health or contribute to disease risk.  We will examine the nutrients and their food sources, metabolism, and physiologic functions in order to be able to make more informed decisions on food choices.  We will also consider the social, economic, and political factors that contribute to malnutrition, food (in)security and sustainability, and dietary guidelines. Students will actively participate with weekly journals, dietary and nutrition label analyses, and discussion of case studies.  This course can be taken by students who have not taken any other biology course and by students requiring nutrition for entry into health professions programs.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

In this field-oriented laboratory, students will explore aspects of body form and growth that characterize different plant groups, acquire basic skills for plant identification, and learn to recognize on sight the most common plant families in the western United States. At least one lab will be substituted by a field trip, and all students will be required to make a plant collection. This lab course is designed for non-majors, and meets concurrently with Biology 229. One three-hour laboratory per week.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Corequisite Courses
Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

An introduction to the dynamic and interdisciplinary world of biological conservation. Fundamental principles from genetics, evolution, and ecology will be discussed and then applied to problems including extinction, species preservation, habitat restoration, refuge design and management, and human population growth and its myriad impacts on our environment. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Designed for nonscience majors with special applicability for Environmental Studies majors.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 130L.

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Our genome is literally what makes us human.  But what exactly is our genome?  How does it dictate (or not dictate) aspects of our development and health?  How can we all share "the human genome”, yet each be a biologically unique individual?  In this class, which is intended for non-Biology majors, we will discuss what's in the genome and how it functions as the information our cells use to build a human being. Using genomics and genetics as a starting point, we’ll use readings, discussion, and group projects to explore topics such as heritable diseases, stem cells, cancer, epigenetics, ancestry tests, and aspects of genome evolution.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 1 Max Credits 4
Credit Type

Lectures (possibly with laboratories) on topics in biology not generally covered by other nonmajor courses in the department. Examples of topics include field biology and evolution. The topic and course credit will be designated prior to registration for the semester in which a special topic for nonscience majors is offered. See course schedule for any current offerings.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

We will explore the impacts of human-influenced climate change on living organisms, biological communities, and ecosystems. The focus of the course is to examine how organisms respond physiologically and behaviorally to our altering planet, and how those adaptations impact populations. In only a short time, humans have radically influenced the planet through various avenues: land use changes, global warming, overharvesting, pollution, and the introduction of invasive species. To provide context for contemporary environmental changes, we will also examine alterations to Earth's climate on a geological time scale. This course consists of lectures, activities (e.g., group brainstorming, discussions, data interpretation), and discussion of primary literature.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Freshwater mussels and Pacific Lamprey are of conservation interest in the Pacific Northwest for their ecological services like water filtration, contaminant removal and sequestration, and trophic level connections, and are also recognized as First Foods for their significant cultural importance to PNW Tribes. This course will include lectures and discussions in biology and ecology, socio-cultural and political aspects of conservation, and ecosystem services. The course will also cover field research techniques and note-taking, data interpretation and visualization, and science communication. There will be a required 3-day camping field trip as the laboratory component of the course. The trip will be scheduled for the last weekend of September (Sept 27-29). This lab field trip will cover snorkel or wading field surveys to determine freshwater mussel presence/absence, population demographics, and reproductive state assessments. Students will collect data during the field trip to analyze during lecture periods later in the semester.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered

A brief introduction to issues in conservation biology designed for non-majors, particularly those in environmental studies. Topics will include basic ecology, genetics, and evolutionary principles essential to conservation theory and practice, with an emphasis on grey wolf reintroduction.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Scientific Inquiry (SI)
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Fall: Cooley; Spring: Hutchison and Vernon

The principles which underlie the hereditary processes observed in microbes, plants, and animals. Selected topics include structure, organization, function, regulation, and duplication of the genetic material; protein synthesis and its control; mechanisms and patterns of inheritance; population genetics.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); and Chemistry 125 and 126 (or Chemistry 140). Not open to first-years.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

Laboratory exercises in molecular and Mendelian genetics. Labs will include DNA isolation, amplification, and characterization, introductions to computer DNA analysis and genomics, and an extended project in Mendelian genetics, involving phenotypic observation and segregation analysis. One three-hour laboratory per week. Prior completion of Biology 205 is recommended, but not required; this lab can be taken after completion of Biology 205 or along with it.  Biology 206 cannot count as elective credit for the BBMB major.  

Prerequisite or Corequisite

Biology 205 (recommended, but not required, to complete 205 before 206).

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered

An examination of the biological fundamentals of animal physiology that spans cellular mechanisms to whole animal performance. We will focus on the principles of traditional organ-systems physiology while including an integrative perspective. Topics include homeostasis, membrane transport, osmotic balance, gas exchange and respiration, circulation, and neuroendocrine regulation. Includes lectures plus one three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Organismal requirement for Biology majors. Formerly Biology 310; may not be taken if previously completed 310.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 209L.

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Science is widely recognized as an effective process for developing reliable understanding of the natural world, but science is not all equally reliable. In a number of disciplines ranging from ecology and conservation to psychology, nutrition, and medicine, there is growing recognition that certain common but ‘questionable’ research practices undermine reliability. In this course, students will learn about these ‘questionable research practices’, the statistical principles that make them ‘questionable’, and the institutional incentives that have promoted their use. Students will gain experience recognizing unreliable research practices and will critically evaluate scientific claims both in the scientific literature and in the popular press. Further, they will evaluate and debate proposals for practices and policies designed to reduce bias and improve reliability. This course meets once per week for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $85.

This course will engage biology majors with the plants, animals, and topography of a specific biotic province of our region (e.g., Blue Mountains or Walla Walla Valley) within the larger context of its geology and palaeoecological history. The class will emphasize field experiences and interpretation of ecological and evolutionary processes shaping our surroundings with discussion of current environmental issues facing the area. One three-hour class per week, eight six-hour labs, some overnight. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Prerequisite or Corequisite

Recommended: Biology 215 or 277


Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L)

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
H. Dobson

This course covers the diverse adaptations of plants to their abiotic and biotic environments from ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Lectures will address effects of climatic factors (water, light, temperature) and soils on plant morphology, physiology, growth, and reproduction, and the complex relationships of plants with other forms of life, especially insects. Three hours of lecture per week, plus one field trip during the semester. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement. Offered in alternate years. 


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L)

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Symbiosis, which encompasses the interactions and relationships that organisms have with each other, is a major source of evolutionary and ecological novelty. These interactions can be described as antagonistic, defensive, harmful, communal, opportunistic, beneficial, cooperative, or neutral. Symbiotic interactions often fall into one of three categories: commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. This course explores these categories and interactions from ecological, physiological, and evolutionary lenses. Methods of instruction include lectures, primary literature seminars (in class and discussion board), and problem-based learning (quizzes, exams, presentations and assignments). Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); or consent of instructor.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

Exploration of grassland and shrubland ecosystems based on field trips and research. Research designed to give students experience in the process of ecological science, including observing patterns to develop questions, searching primary literature, evaluating hypotheses and predictions, initiating experiments and gathering data in the field, processing data, statistical analysis, and presenting results in written and graphical form. Fieldwork will involve various physical demands such as hiking and working off-trail on steep slopes. One three or four hour lab per week. Approximately six times during the semester we will depart at noon rather than 1 pm. One required full-day or overnight field trip. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

A survey of the structure and function of the human body that will examine cells, tissues, and the skeletal, muscular, endocrine, and the nervous systems. This course will emphasize both structure and function by integrating anatomical knowledge with principles of physiology from the cellular to the organismal level, including clinical relevance. Lab sessions will include animal dissection, participation of students as subjects (e.g., electromyography), and may incorporate lectures or demonstrations by clinicians/patients. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); or consent of instructor.


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 221L.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

A survey of the structure and function of the human body that will examine cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems. This course will emphasize both structure and function by integrating anatomical knowledge with principles of physiology from the cellular to the organismal level, including clinical relevance. Lab sessions will include animal dissection, participation of students as subjects (e.g., respirometry), and may incorporate lectures or demonstrations by clinicians/patients. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); or consent of instructor. Biology 221 is not a prerequisite.


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 222L.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

The way an individual animal develops is largely a product of the evolutionary history of its species. Accordingly, fundamental processes of embryonic development are largely genetically pre-programmed. Yet, the trajectory of an individual’s development can be altered profoundly by the environment in which development unfolds. This course provides an introduction to basic principles of animal development, showing how the complementary approaches of embryology and molecular analyses have converged to unify the field to address long standing questions of how developmental mechanisms balance a pre-programmed process with environmental influences. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); or consent of instructor.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

An introduction to the study of birds based on field trips, lab activities, and research. Research designed to give students experience in the processes of doing science, including searching primary literature, evaluating hypotheses and predictions, gathering and processing data, statistical analysis, and presenting results in written and graphical form. One three or four hour lab per week. Approximately six times during the semester we will depart at noon rather than 1 pm. One required full-day or overnight field trip.  Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Writing Across Contexts (WAC)

Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L)

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

This course provides an introduction to the science of human nutrition. It will emphasize the ingestion and digestion of food, absorption of nutrients , and the metabolism of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals). We will explore how the dietary patterns of the foods we eat promote health or contribute to disease risk by examining how  nutrient balance or imbalance affect cellular and physiological systems.  This course is recommended for students requiring nutrition for entry into health profession programs.  Applies to the Organismal or Molecular/Cell category requirements for the Biology major.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); and Chemistry 126 (or Chemistry 140).

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

In this field-oriented laboratory, students will explore aspects of body form and growth that characterize different plant groups, acquire basic skills for plant identification, and learn to recognize on sight the most common plant families in the western United States. At least one lab will be substituted by a field trip, and all students will be required to make a plant collection. This lab course is designed for biology majors, and meets concurrently with Biology 129. One three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Mostoufi and Tien

In biological research and study, there is growing demand for scientists capable of integrating computational and mathematical skills to solve complex problems. In this course, students will learn to think abstractly in their approach to solve historic biological problems through the implementation of algorithms and data structures in an object-oriented programming language (Python). To focus these skills in a biological context, students will utilize software and packages developed for biological research, such as those used to analyze large and/or complex data sets (Biopython). Students will gain the necessary syntaxial skills used in computer programming that will translate into any future programming language (e.g. R-programming language). Students’ programming assignments will develop their skills through paired-programming. Students will be tested on design, documentation, implementation, test-creation, and debugging. They will demonstrate mastery of the fundamentals of computer science through the completion of a final project. Applies to the Molecular/Cell requirement for the Biology major. Prerequisite: Biology 205.

Prerequisite Courses
Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
maximum $30

Plant physiology is the study of how plants function, internally as well as in relation to their environment. We will investigate how plants use light, water, and minerals to grow and reproduce, at scales ranging from the molecular to the ecological. The course includes both lecture and laboratory components. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 253L.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Maximum $75.

Field biology of a region with emphasis on ecology and evolution in a natural history context. Students will keep field notebooks, and their notebook entries must meet minimum standards. Trips will usually be taken over one long weekend (typically Thursday to Sunday). May be repeated for credit for different destinations. This course does not count toward the major requirements in biology or biology combined majors or minor. Graded credit/no credit. See course schedule for any current offerings.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L); and declared Biology major or minor or Biology-Environmental Studies major.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Organisms at the micron scale (single-cell organisms) are ubiquitous, fascinating, and mysterious entities that orchestrate biogeochemical cycling, impact the well-being of multicellular organisms, and potentiate transformative biotechnologies. Entire microbial ecosystems thrive within a single droplet of water, persist in the barest landscapes, and survive the harshest environments. This course will explore the physiological mechanisms that microbes have evolved to inhabit almost every habitat on Earth. It will also provide a survey of biology at the microbial level and will outline specific techniques commonly used to identify, study, and harness the power of microbial entities. We will integrate concepts from cell physiology, chemistry, evolution, epidemiology, and biotechnology. Lab work will utilize microscopy, spectrophotometry, and bioinformatic tools to study and manipulate bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Students will learn how to work in a sterile controlled environment, identify bacterial strains, isolate microbes from several environments, and test the metabolic capabilities of isolated microbes. Applies to the Molecular/Cell requirement for the Biology major.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 260L.

Credits 1 Max Credits 4
Credit Type

See course schedule for any current offerings.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

May include a lab.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Mostoufi and Shafer

The cell is the basic unit of organization of all life. Cell biology integrates principles from biochemistry, genetics, chemistry, and physiology to understand cellular processes and their regulation and to relate defects in these processes to human diseases. In this course, we will learn about the inner life of cells: how they function, grow, and die. Upon completion of this course, the student will gain a deeper understanding of 1) cell structure and functions, 2) internal and external regulation of cellular processes, 3) biological information flow, and 4) human diseases that result from impaired cellular structures. Includes a required lab which meets once per week for three hours. The lab illustrates principles of eukaryotic cellular biology, with emphasis on modern instrumentation techniques. Applies to the Cell/Molecular category requirement for Biology majors.

Prerequisite Courses

Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 272AL.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

This course will engage biology majors in learning the fundamental principles of animal behavior by examining both historical and contemporary hypotheses in animal behavior. Lectures will address the explanations and basis of behavior, methods to study animal behavior, and application of these ideas to key topics in animal behavior. Topics will include sociality, predation and predator avoidance, communication, migration and dispersal, reproductive behavior, and parental care. Three hours of lecture per week and one full-day weekend field trip during the semester. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement. May be taken for credit toward the Brain, Behavior, and Cognition major.

Prerequisite Courses

Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 272AL.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

The relationships of organisms to one another and to the abiotic environment. We will learn ecological concepts and principles important to populations, evolution, inter-specific interactions, communities, landscapes, energy flow, nutrient cycles, and conservation. Three lectures per week. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)


Includes an optional corequisite lab, Biology 287.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
maximum $30

Field research designed to give students experience in the process of ecological science, including observing patterns to develop questions, searching primary literature, evaluating hypotheses and predictions, initiating experiments and gathering data in the field, processing data, statistical analysis, and presenting results in written and graphical form. Fieldwork will involve various physical demands such as hiking and working off-trail on steep slopes. One three or four hour lab per week. Approximately six times during the semester we will depart at noon rather than 1 pm. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Writing Across Contexts (WAC)

Includes an optional corequisite lecture, Biology 277.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

The relationship between plants and human societies, drawing examples from different geographical regions and placing emphasis on plants used for food, medicine, clothing, and shelter. Topics will explore the various uses of plants, implications of altering natural habitats and cultural traditions, origins and histories of cultivated plants, development of agriculture and ecological aspects of its practices, including soil management, pest control, plant breeding, and preservation of genetic diversity. Three lectures per week, plus one optional weekend field trip. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement. Offered in alternate years.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L); or consent of instructor.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

The cell is the basic unit of organization of all life. Cell biology integrates principles from biochemistry, genetics, chemistry, and physiology to understand cellular processes and their regulation and to relate defects in these processes to human diseases. In this course, we will learn about the inner life of cells: how they function, grow, and die. Upon completion of this course, the student will gain a deeper understanding of 1) cell structure and functions such as gene expression, protein targeting, cell-cell signaling, cell division, and programmed cell death, 2) internal and external regulation of cellular processes, 3) human diseases that result from impaired structures such as neurological disorders, and 4) breakthrough research on diagnosis and treatment of cell diseases such as immuno-oncology therapeutics. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 205 and Chemistry 245; Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L) is recommended.


Includes an optional corequisite lab, Biology 304.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

The laboratory extension of Biology 303, the exercises will illustrate principles of eukaryotic cellular biology, with emphasis on modern instrumentation techniques, particularly protein isolation and cell culture techniques. One three-hour laboratory session per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement. 

Prerequisite or Corequisite

Biology 303 or 305.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

This class will cover the essentials of cell biology and can be used in place of Biology 303 to fulfill the cell biology requirement for biology majors (when taken concurrently with Biology 306) and is suitable as an elective for BBMB majors. In particular, this class will emphasize the role of cellular membranes and signaling machinery in regulating proper cell function. Diversity in cellular signaling will be illustrated through investigation of various strategies used to mediate changes in the physiology of single cells and potentially, the organism. Cell communication is critical to cell survival and adaptation. It is an area of biological study that incorporates biochemistry, cell biology/physiology and membrane biophysics — all of which will be specifically highlighted through literature review and discussion sessions. Three lectures per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Chemistry 245; or consent of instructor. Chemistry 246 is recommended.


Biology 306 (required to fulfill Biology major requirements).

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

Laboratory exercises in cellular biology will incorporate cell labeling, microscopy, biochemical analysis, and pharmacological manipulation to assess cell physiology (e.g., motility, metabolism, development, and signaling). One three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.

Prerequisite or Corequisite

Biology 305.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

The structure and function of vertebrates within an evolutionary context. By the end of the course students should have gained a familiarity with the structural diversity of the 60,000 or so living vertebrates and some of their extinct ancestors, a detailed knowledge of the anatomy of a few “representative” vertebrates studied in lab, and an understanding of the major structural trends and innovations in the history of vertebrates. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. This course is especially recommended for students planning careers in medicine or veterinary medicine or with an interest in evolutionary biology. Applies to the Organismal or Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Lab Science (SCL DIST)

Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L)


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 315L.

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered

This course explores major transformations that vertebrates have undergone in the course of their 500 million year history. For example, how and why did fishes first make the transition to land? How and why did whales (and ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, sea turtles and others) make the transition back to water from land? How did flying birds evolve from running dinosaurs? Drawing on the primary literature, from multiple levels of biological organization and integrating research from a range of disciplines (e.g. palaeontology, developmental biology, phylogenetic systematics, ecology), students will explore these and other important transformations in the evolutionary history of vertebrates.  Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.


Biology 112 (or 101 and 101L) and 205 (required). At least one other 300-level Biology course (recommended).

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Recent scientific advances such as genome sequencing and CRISPR gene editing have enabled us to “hack” the very building blocks of life in microbes, plants, and animals. Will genetic engineering come to revolutionize the 21st century in the same way that computer engineering did in the 20th century? This advanced seminar course will explore the biological principles underlying genetic engineering technologies and the impact they are having on medicine, agriculture, and the environment. Most readings will come from the primary research literature, and the class will be a mix of presentation and discussion, with overviews and background material given by the instructor. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement and as an elective for BBMB majors.

Prerequisite Courses
Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Only 30-50% of all human conceptions survive to birth, due to faults in cellular and molecular regulation of development, but even after birth, developing tissues continue to be vulnerable to insult.  This upper level seminar course will focus on embryonic and early postnatal development and developmental disorders due to genetic mutations or environmental conditions.  Most readings will come from the primary literature, and the class will be a mix of presentations and discussion, with overviews and background material given by the instructor. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Biology 205

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

This course emphasizes the cellular and molecular biology of neurons as a basis for understanding how the nervous system controls behavior. Topics include the structure and function of neurons and glia, synaptic transmission, brain development and regeneration, sensory and motor systems, brain mechanisms of learning and memory, clinical issues, and becoming a neuroscientist. The laboratories will emphasize hands-on experience with techniques used to study the brain in current research including neuroanatomy, neurocytology, neurophysiology, analysis of neuronal gene expression, and observation of living neurons in culture. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 111 (or Biology 102 and 102L); and Biology 205.


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 320L.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

This course will introduce students to the multidisciplinary field of neurophysiology from cellular processes to integrated central and peripheral nervous systems functions. The course will examine core principles of neuroanatomy, membrane excitability, neuronal signaling, sensory and motor function, neuroendocrine regulation of integrated organismal physiology (e.g., cardiovascular), and abnormalities that give rise to neurological disorders. Laboratory exercises will emphasize core concepts and methodology, and may incorporate lectures/demonstrations by clinicians/patients and integrative case studies. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Organismal Biology major requirement and as an  elective for BBMB majors.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)

Prerequisite Courses

Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 323L.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Herpetology is the study of amphibians and reptiles. In this course, taxonomy, life history, behavior, physiology, ecology, etc., of frogs, salamander, turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and others will be presented in the context of the evolutionary history of this diverse assemblage of vertebrates. In the course of the semester, students will prepare an essay on a herpetological topic of their choice. Three lectures per week. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.


Includes an optional corequisite lab, Biology 337.

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Evolution and development are inexorably linked and genetics is the tie that binds them. This interdisciplinary class explores how genetic and developmental mechanisms have evolved to produce biological diversity. Through lectures, class discussions, and activities, and analysis of both classic and cutting-edge scientific papers, we will examine the contributions of all three research areas to the emerging field of “evo-devo”. Three lectures per week. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); and Biology 205


Includes an optional corequisite lab, Biology 338.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

This upper-level course addresses how a complex multicellular organism arises from a single cell, the fertilized egg. The course is framed by questions formulated using classic experiments in experimental embryology and current molecular and cellular approaches that yield new answers to these questions. Emphasis is on how specialized form and pattern develop in animals; ethical and social issues relevant to developmental biology also are discussed. Labs emphasize independent experimentation and current techniques including time-lapse and digital microscopy of living cells and organisms. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and 205; and Chemistry 245.


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 329L.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

A survey of the functions of the human body using disease states to illustrate key physiological processes. This course will cover in detail the endocrine, nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, renal, and immune systems and will offer an overview of integrative functions such as electrolyte and metabolic regulation. This course will examine a sample of pathological states as a springboard for understanding principles of physiology and use case studies to synthesize and apply knowledge from cellular/tissue processes to integrated organ-systems functions. Foundational principles of physiology will be investigated and emphasized through experimental laboratory work. Lab sessions will also incorporate lectures or demonstrations by clinicians/patients and/or tours of hospital clinics. Applies to the Organismal Biology major requirement and is suitable as an elective for BBMB majors. Given extensive overlap with Biology 310, students may not take both courses for credit. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory session per week


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Chemistry 245; or consent of instructor.


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 330L.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

Synthetic biologists take apart, rebuild, and repurpose parts of a cell in order to program and probe cell behavior. To do this, synthetic biologists utilize approaches from cell biology, engineering, molecular genetics, and biochemistry. This advanced course will survey the questions addressed by synthetic biology research, the molecular approaches utilized, and the implications of this work in the realms of biomedicine and agriculture. A key component of this survey will be the lab, wherein students will engage in a synthetic biology research project. Course-work will include reading and discussion of primary research literature, lectures to provide background information, student-led presentations, scientific writing, and hands-on lab work. The course will consist of 2.5 hours of lecture/discussion and one 3-hour lab per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement and as an elective for BBMB majors.

Prerequisite Courses
Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

Labs will focus on study of preserved specimens, and identification of amphibian and reptile species from all over the world. Students also will learn to identify all local species. One three-hour lab per week. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.

Corequisite Courses
Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

The Evolutionary Developmental Biology Lab is designed to accompany the associated lecture course (Biology 328). Students will gain hands-on experience in acquiring and analyzing data using a variety of techniques common in the field of “evo devo”, and will then work in small groups to apply these skills to develop and test hypotheses regarding a “mystery” developmental mutant of either the mustard plant Arabidopsis or the fruit fly Drosophila. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering Fall 2024 or later: Writing Across Contexts (WAC)

Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Biology 205


Biology 328 (optional).

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

An advanced course providing an introduction to how biologists discover genes and determine their roles in diverse biological processes in both plants and animals. Research literature will provide examples of gene identification by forward genetics, molecular methods, transcriptomics, and genomics. We will discuss genome annotation and functional analysis by reverse genetics and other genome-based methods. Class will include reading and discussion of primary research literature, some lecture to provide background information, student presentations, and some hands-on work with genome or gene expression databases. Conceptual familiarity with recombinant DNA techniques, molecular methods, and sequence databases covered in Genetics and Genetics Lab is expected. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 205 and 206; or consent of instructor.

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Lab Fee
Maximum $30.

Designed for the upper-level biology major, this course emphasizes the importance of evolutionary theory to biology. Using modern examples in population biology, molecular evolution and phylogenetics, students will gain a firm foundation in the mechanisms of evolution, speciation, and extinction, and an appreciation of the applicability of evolutionary principles to current issues in areas such as conservation, medicine, and social behavior. Three lectures and one three-hour lab per week. Applies to the Ecology/Evolution major requirement.


Required: Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L); and Biology 205.


Includes a required corequisite lab, Biology 350L.

Credits 1 Max Credits 4
Credit Type

See course schedule for any current offerings.

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Hormones influence all multicellular organisms and play a major role in modulating how the brain regulates physiology and behavior. We will examine the interactions between the nervous and endocrine systems by investigating how the brain regulates hormone secretion and in turn how hormones influence the brain. The focus of the course encompasses how these processes influence physiology and behavior across vertebrates with special attention to reproduction, appetite, biological rhythms, aggression, and stress responses. The course consists of lectures, activities (e.g., group brainstorming, theoretical design of experiments, data analysis, etc.) and discussion of primary literature. Applies to the neuroscience category requirement in the BBAC major. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Prerequisite Courses
Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Wallace and Withers

Cells are the fundamental units of life. Thus, studying the mechanisms of cell biology can help to understand life in operational terms. In the case of eukaryotic cells, neurons are among the most structurally and functionally complex of cells, making them "supermodels of cell biology." Because of this complexity, neurons reveal the challenges associated with making and delivering the necessary ingredients for healthy function to the right place in the cell at the right time, as well as the catastrophic pathologies that can arise when they don't. This seminar course will use neurons as a case study, combining classic and current literature to apply common principles of cell biology, e.g. regulation of cell structure and motility, gene expression, transport within and between cells, cell communication, and metabolism. Contributes to the Molecular/Cell major requirement in Biology; required Biology courses in the BBAC major; and elective credits for BBMB.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Prerequisite Courses
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Wallace and Withers

This course emphasizes the cellular and molecular biology of neurons as a basis for understanding how the nervous system controls behavior. Topics include the structure and function of neurons and glia, synaptic transmission, brain development and regeneration, sensory and motor systems, brain mechanisms of learning and memory, clinical issues, and becoming a neuroscientist. Three hours of lecture per week. May not enroll if previously completed Biology 320. Applies to the Molecular/Cell requirement for the Biology major or as an elective for the BBAC major.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Prerequisite Courses
Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

This course will introduce students to the multidisciplinary field of neurophysiology from cellular processes to integrated central and peripheral nervous systems functions. The course will examine core principles of neuroanatomy, membrane excitability, neuronal signaling, sensory and motor function, neuroendocrine regulation of integrated organismal physiology (e.g., cardiovascular), and abnormalities that give rise to neurological disorders. Three lectures per week. May not be taken for credit if previously completed Biology 323. Applies to the Organismal requirement, the Biology requirement for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition majors, or as an elective for BBMB majors.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)

Credits 3
Semester Offered

Is it only our genes that make us, or something more? Though evolutionary changes happen at a genetic level, organisms must be able to respond to their environment rapidly, seasonally, and/or during different developmental stages without relying on genetic mutations. Phenotypic plasticity describes the ability of organisms to display flexibility in their traits in response to varying environments without changing their genotype. In this class, students will learn about the evolutionary theory, genetic mechanisms, and real-life examples of phenotypic plasticity by reading primary literature. Students will also develop science communication skills through class discussions and student-led journal club presentations. Two 80-minute lectures per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell or Ecology/Evolution major requirement. Prerequisite: Biology 205. Distribution area: none.

Prerequisite Courses
Credits 1 Max Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Selected advanced topics in biology. Examples of recently offered topics include bioethics, evolution, and nutrition. Course topic and credit to be designated by instructor. Students will be expected to complete readings, make presentations, and participate in discussions about the selected topics. The topic and course credit will be designated prior to registration for the semester in which a seminar is offered; consult the chair of the department for information. See course schedule for any current offerings.

Credits 1 Max Credits 5
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

Lectures (possibly with laboratories) on advanced topics in biology not generally covered in other courses in the department. Examples of topics offered include plant systematics, invertebrate biology, biology of amphibians and reptiles, entomology, and immunology. The topic and course credit will be designated prior to registration for the semester in which a special topic is offered. See course schedule for any current offerings.

Credits 1 Max Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Selected topics of an experimental or descriptive nature, arranged with individual students who are prepared to undertake semi-independent work. The students will consult with the faculty member most closely associated with the area of interest to determine if the topic is suitable and can be successfully accomplished with the available material and library facilities. This consultation should take place in the semester preceding the anticipated research project.


Consent of instructor.

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

After carrying out a supervised research project involving laboratory experiments, fieldwork, and/or data analysis, senior Biology and Bio- combined majors will write a thesis on the research in accepted scientific style, with guidance from a faculty thesis instructor.  Research can take place between sophomore and senior years. Seniors should register for the thesis section supervised by their thesis instructor. Each student is required to give a short seminar presentation of his/her results to the faculty and other students in the major.  A total of 3 credits, spread over two semesters, are required for the Biology major.


Consent of instructor. Open only to senior Biology, BBMB, or Biology-combined majors.

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Honors students will finish data collection and write a thesis on the research in accepted scientific style. One or more initial drafts of the thesis will be required before the final version is due in the library. Presentation of results to the staff and other biology majors is required. Students register for Biology 490, but are awarded credits in Biology 498 if honors are earned. Credit cannot be earned simultaneously for Biology 498 and 490.


Consent of instructor; and admission to honors candidacy.

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
H. Dobson

Each student will attend a weekly, one-hour seminar where students present the results of their senior theses. Course is graded credit/no credit. Open only to senior Biology majors.


Senior standing.