Combined Major

Biology-Geology Major

  • Required Biology Courses (20-23 Credits)
    • Biology 101, 101L, 102, and 102L
    • Four credits from each of the following categories of upper-level electives:
      • Organismal Biology
      • Ecology/Evolution
    • At least four additional credits in Biology and/or BBMB at the 200-level or above
    • Three credits of Biology 490 or 498 (or three credits of Geology 480, 490, or 498)
  • Required Geology Courses (26-29 Credits)
    • One introductory course plus lab, chosen from:
      • Geology 110 and 111
      • Geology 120 and 121
      • Geology 125 and 126
    • Geology 227, 270, 350, and 358
    • Geology 312 or 368
    • Geology 301, 321, or 405
    • Three credits of Geology 480, 490, or 498 (or three credits of Biology 490 or 498)
    • During senior year: Geology 470
  • Required Supporting Science Courses (14-18 Credits)
    • Chemistry 125, 126, 135, and 136; or 140
    • Chemistry 245
    • Mathematics 124 or 125
    • Mathematics 126 or a statistics course (Mathematics 128 or 247, Economics 227, Psychology 210, or Sociology 208)
  • Senior Requirements
    • Geology 470
    • Three credits of Biology 490 or 498 or Geology 480, 490, or 498
    • Senior assessment:
      • Comprehensive written exams in both Biology and Geology
      • One-hour oral exam by Biology and Geology faculty
  • Honors
    • Students do not apply for admission to candidacy for honors.
    • If thesis is in Geology, students must submit a proposal for their thesis or project within the first six weeks of the two-semester period in which the student is eligible.
    • Accumulated at least 87 credits
    • Completed two semesters of residency at Whitman
    • Major GPA of at least 3.500
    • Complete a written thesis or research project prepared exclusively for the satisfaction of this program (either Biology or Geology).
    • Earn a grade of at least A- on the honors thesis.
    • Pass the senior assessment with distinction.
    • Chairs of the departments will notify the Registrar of students attaining honors no later than the beginning of the 12th week of the semester.
    • An acceptable digital copy of the Honors Thesis must be submitted to Penrose Library no later than Reading Day.

Upper-Level Electives

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits