Biology 250: Introduction to Computational Biology

Credits 4
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Mostoufi and Tien

In biological research and study, there is growing demand for scientists capable of integrating computational and mathematical skills to solve complex problems. In this course, students will learn to think abstractly in their approach to solve historic biological problems through the implementation of algorithms and data structures in an object-oriented programming language (Python). To focus these skills in a biological context, students will utilize software and packages developed for biological research, such as those used to analyze large and/or complex data sets (Biopython). Students will gain the necessary syntaxial skills used in computer programming that will translate into any future programming language (e.g. R-programming language). Students’ programming assignments will develop their skills through paired-programming. Students will be tested on design, documentation, implementation, test-creation, and debugging. They will demonstrate mastery of the fundamentals of computer science through the completion of a final project. Applies to the Molecular/Cell requirement for the Biology major. Prerequisite: Biology 205.

Prerequisite Courses