Biology 305: Cellular Physiology and Signaling

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered
Not Offered 2024-2025

This class will cover the essentials of cell biology and can be used in place of Biology 303 to fulfill the cell biology requirement for biology majors (when taken concurrently with Biology 306) and is suitable as an elective for BBMB majors. In particular, this class will emphasize the role of cellular membranes and signaling machinery in regulating proper cell function. Diversity in cellular signaling will be illustrated through investigation of various strategies used to mediate changes in the physiology of single cells and potentially, the organism. Cell communication is critical to cell survival and adaptation. It is an area of biological study that incorporates biochemistry, cell biology/physiology and membrane biophysics — all of which will be specifically highlighted through literature review and discussion sessions. Three lectures per week. Applies to the Molecular/Cell major requirement.


Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L) and Chemistry 245; or consent of instructor. Chemistry 246 is recommended.


Biology 306 (required to fulfill Biology major requirements).