Biology 372-B: Special Topic in Biology: Neurophysiology

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

This course will introduce students to the multidisciplinary field of neurophysiology from cellular processes to integrated central and peripheral nervous systems functions. The course will examine core principles of neuroanatomy, membrane excitability, neuronal signaling, sensory and motor function, neuroendocrine regulation of integrated organismal physiology (e.g., cardiovascular), and abnormalities that give rise to neurological disorders. Three lectures per week. May not be taken for credit if previously completed Biology 323. Applies to the Organismal requirement, the Biology requirement for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition majors, or as an elective for BBMB majors.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)

Biology 111 (or 102 and 102L)