Chair: Dalia Biswas
Nathan Boland
Jonathan Collins (on sabbatical, 2024-2025)
Frank Dunnivant
Marion Götz
Adam Groves
Machelle Hartman
Mark Hendricks
Marcus Juhasz
Timothy Machonkin (on sabbatical, 2024-2025)
About the Department
The chemistry curriculum at Whitman College offers a wide range of courses that provide in-depth exposure to chemical principles with hands-on laboratory experiences. Students use advanced instrumentation and computational simulations to explore the nature and composition of matter and the laws that govern chemical/biochemical reactions. The Chemistry major is designed to help students develop chemical intuition and the ability to apply these principles to solve a range of real-world problems.
Learning Goals
Upon graduation, a student will be able to:
- Meet nationally set standards in analytical, organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry.
- Communicate scientific findings and information in graphical, written and oral format, both to technical and nontechnical audiences.
- Apply chemical knowledge, intuition, and logic to interpret data and devise and defend solutions to real-world problems.
- Use appropriate mathematical, computational, and analytical techniques to solve chemical problems.
- Work collaboratively, design experiments, and perform standard laboratory techniques to collect data.
- Employ modern scientific literature search tools to locate, retrieve, and organize scientific information.
- Identify and mitigate risks in a chemistry laboratory.
- Pursue career objectives in post-graduate education, industry, government, and other areas.
For students who started at Whitman College prior to Fall 2024, courses in Chemistry counting toward distribution areas are as follows:
Sciences or quantitative analysis: Chemistry 100, 102, 125, 126, 135, 136, and 140
Sciences: 245
For students who start at Whitman College in Fall 2024 or later, please refer to the General Studies section for a full list of courses that count toward each distribution area.
Advisory Information
Introductory General Chemistry Courses: General Chemistry is required for several science majors. These courses provide a survey of the important topics and concepts in chemistry at the introductory level. A required General Chemistry Placement test is used to determine placement in courses that fulfill the first-year General Chemistry requirements. Option 1 is a yearlong general chemistry sequence of lectures and labs (Chemistry 125, 126, 135, 136). Problem-Solving in Chemistry (Chemistry 111) is a co-requisite for Chemistry 125, depending on the placement score. Option 2 is an accelerated one-semester Advanced General Chemistry lecture and lab (Chemistry 140). Students with an AP score of 4 or 5 receive credit for Chemistry 125 but not for Chemistry 135 lab. Students with AP/IB credit are strongly encouraged to enroll in Advanced General Chemistry (Chemistry 140). Premedical students should note that most medical schools require a full year of Organic Chemistry lecture (Chemistry 245 and 246), and two credits of Organic Laboratory Techniques I and II (Chemistry 251 and 252).
Programs of Study
Chemistry/Pre-Engineering Major -
Chemistry-Environmental Studies Major -
Chemistry-Geology Major -
Chemistry Major -
Chemistry Minor
The goal of this course is to prepare students to be environmentally responsible citizens and empower them with scientific knowledge to make the right decisions concerning the environment. Chemistry 100 is a one-semester introduction to important topics in the environmental sciences. Emphasis will be placed on historic environmental success and what major problems remain to be solved. Topics will include the availability of clean water, effective wastewater treatment, restoration of the stratospheric ozone layer, the removal of anthropogenic produced lead, past and current endocrine disruptors, the proper use of risk assessment, appropriate actions to combat human-caused global warming, and an effective environmental legal national and international framework. Emphasis will be placed on the chemistry of each topic. No chemistry background is presumed. Highly recommended for environmental studies students not majoring in a natural science. Students may not receive credit for Chemistry 100 if they have taken Chemistry 125 or a more advanced college chemistry course. Working knowledge of college-level algebra is required. Three lectures per week; no lab.
This course for nonscience majors, will cover the principles of chemistry within the context of the production, analysis, and conservation of art. The influence of science and technology on art will be explored through such topics as color theory; the chemistry of pigments, dyes, binders, papers, inks, and glazes; forensic analysis of forgeries; conservation of works of art; and photography. Possible laboratory topics include pigments, etching, papermaking, textile dyeing, ceramics, electroplating, jewelry making, alternative photographic methods, and fused glass. No artistic skill or chemistry background is presumed. Students may not receive credit for Chemistry 102 if they have completed any other college-level chemistry course. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Includes a required corequisite lab, Chemistry 102L.
This course focuses on developing skills and strategies relevant to solving the types of quantitative problems found in general chemistry. Students will learn to parse information given—and not given—in word problems, identify the information content of equations, and develop strategies to apply algebraic manipulation to solve problems of a range of complexity. Graded credit/no credit. Does not fulfill science or quantitative analysis distribution. May not be applied to the Chemistry major or minor.
This course builds on the skills and strategies developed in Chem 111 relevant to solving the types of quantitative problems found in general chemistry. Students will learn to parse information given—and not given—in word problems, identify the information content of equations, and develop strategies to apply algebraic manipulation to solve problems of a range of complexity. Graded credit/no credit. May not be applied to the Chemistry major or minor.
Chemistry 111; or consent of instructor.
May not be applied to the Chemistry major or minor.
The first semester of a yearlong course in general chemistry. Topics include: matter and measurement; atoms, molecules, and ions; composition of substances and solutions; electronic structure of atoms; periodic properties of elements; chemical bonding and molecular geometry; stoichiometry of chemical reactions; gases, liquids, and solids; and properties of solutions. Problem-solving involves the use of algebra, including logarithms and the quadratic equation.
Chemistry 111 (unless placed out with a mandatory qualifying exam taken online prior to the Fall semester); and Chemistry 135.
The second semester of a yearlong course in general chemistry. Topics include: thermodynamics (including enthalpy, entropy, and free energy); chemical equilibrium; acid-base equilibria; other ionic equilibria; transition metals and coordination chemistry; electrochemistry; kinetics; and nuclear chemistry. Problem-solving involves the use of more sophisticated algebraic manipulation than found in Chemistry 125.
Geology and Geology-Environmental Studies majors are exempt from the Chemistry 136 corequisite.
Laboratory exercises in physical and chemical properties of matter, with an introduction to both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. Topics include molecular structure, chemical synthesis, acid-base chemistry, gas laws, limiting reactant and colligative properties. The methods of analysis include volumetric, gravimetric and spectrophotometric methods. Reports will focus on fundamentals of scientific communication and data analysis (including the use of Excel). One three-hour laboratory per week.
A continuation of Chemistry 135 with emphasis on descriptive chemistry and discovery-based experiments. Topics include synthesis, thermochemistry, equilibria, acid-base chemistry, kinetics, and electrochemistry. The methods of analysis include volumetric, gravimetric and spectrophotometric methods. Reports will focus on scientific communication and data analysis (including the use of Excel). One three-hour laboratory per week.
A one-semester accelerated course in introductory chemistry designed for students with AP or IB chemistry or other strong high school background in chemistry. The topics will include, but are not limited to, introductory chemistry concepts covered in CHEM 125-126, and will be covered in a greater detail at a faster pace. Laboratory experiments will complement the concepts developed in lecture, and will develop students’ skills in gravimetric and volumetric analysis, quantitative reasoning, and data acquisition, analysis and visualization. Problem solving involves the use of algebra and some basic calculus. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Mathematics 124 or 125 (or equivalent); and a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam, a score of 5 or higher in IB Chemistry (HL), or a passing score on a qualifying exam taken online prior to Fall semester registration.
Includes a required corequisite lab, Chemistry 140L.
See course schedule for any current offerings.
This seminar is an introduction to the Digital Imaging and Vision Applications in Science (DIVAS) Alliance Project. Students will learn about the many areas of the natural sciences where image data is used including medicine, agriculture, and analytical chemistry. Students will learn about the technologies used to collect image data and will learn what makes a good image. Students will meet professionals who work with images and will be introduced to the collaborative work nvironment they utilize in their projects. Students who have been selected as DIVAS scholars are required to enroll in this seminar before starting summer programming. Note: This course is part of an ongoing research study, therefore any products of the course will be incorporated into that research. You can participate in this course in person, online synchronously, or online synchronously. You will work with your campus liaison to determine your participation method before the start of the course. Distribution area: none. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
The first semester of a yearlong course in organic chemistry. Topics include reaction mechanism, nomenclature, stereochemistry, spectroscopy, and the synthesis and reactions of alkyl halides, alkenes, alcohols, ethers, and alkynes. Three lectures per week.
Chemistry 126 or 140.
A continuation of Chemistry 245. Topics include spectroscopy, aromatic chemistry, carbonyl compounds, and biomolecules such as carbohydrates and amino acids. Three lectures per week.
Introduction to fundamental organic laboratory techniques. Topics include recrystallization, distillation, melting point determination, chromatography, extraction, and one-step syntheses. One three-hour laboratory per week.
Chemistry 245.
Chemistry 126 or 140.
Continuation of organic laboratory techniques involving intermediate exercises. The course covers more challenging syntheses as compared to Chemistry 251, as well as multistep synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of products. One three-hour laboratory per week.
Chemistry 246.
Application of quantum mechanics in organic molecules will be covered in this course. Topics will include molecular orbital theory, conformational analysis, chemical bonding, aromaticity, molecular spectra (IR, NMR), selectivity, transition states, and thermodynamics and kinetics of reaction mechanism. Students will be introduced to sophisticated quantum chemistry software for these calculations. A combination of lecture and hands-on tutorials will be offered during the class, which will improve students' ability to generate chemical models essential for understanding the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. No prior knowledge of quantum mechanics is needed beyond the general chemistry level.
Chemical cycling is integral to many global processes: water cycling sustains life, mineral nutrients move from rocks to open oceans, carbon cycling regulates climate, and weather and water transports synthetic compounds from pole to pole. This course will apply basic chemical principles (thermodynamics, kinetics, redox, acid-base chemistry, solubility, etc.) to develop students’ understanding of chemistry in lakes, streams, oceans, and soils. Students will integrate concepts from chemistry, biology, geology, physics, environmental science and humanities to evaluate case studies such as: CO2 cycling in oceans, nutrient pollution in lakes and streams, biouptake of nutrients and pollutants, and drinking water disinfection.
Chemistry 125, 126, 135 and 136 (or Chemistry 140); and sophomore status or above.
The methods of quantitative analysis and principles of chemical equilibrium emphasizes the collection, analysis, and communication of quantitative data as applied to chemical equilibria. Lectures will cover concepts of statistical analysis, data processing, spectroscopy, ionic strength, and equilibria (acid-base, precipitation, complexation, and oxidation-reduction). Laboratory exercises explore and elucidate the concepts and methods developed in lecture, and include quantitative experimentation with gravimetric, titrimetric, and spectroscopic instrumental methods. Additional instruction is provided for the use of spreadsheets for data analysis and graphing. Two 80 minute lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
Chemistry 126 and 136; or Chemistry 140.
Includes a required corequisite lab, Chemistry 310L.
This course deals with sample preparation, data analysis, method development, and the theory of operation of modern laboratory instrumentation. Instrumental techniques discussed in lecture and used in the laboratory will include flame atomic absorption spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, basic mass spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy with elemental detection, and ion, high pressure, and gas chromatography. Laboratory exercises will concentrate on real world applications of chemical analysis. One Friday afternoon field trip may be required. Three lectures and one three- to four-hour laboratory per week are required.
Chemistry 251, 252, and 310; or consent of instructor.
Includes a required corequisite lab, Chemistry 320L.
This course will focus on topics in modern organic chemistry with an emphasis on asymmetric transformations. Themes from Chemistry 245 & 246 will be expanded to include advanced discussion of structure, reactivity, and selectivity. Issues such as steric sensitivity and stereoselectivity will be discussed using examples of key transformations drawn from the chemical literature. In these discussions, students will gain an appreciation for the strategic application of asymmetric methods in organic synthesis. Active participation in class discussion and the presentation of work will be a significant component of this class.
This course focuses on the design of medicinal agents based on predicted interactions with target biomolecules. Students will learn how to apply current drug development strategies through the examination of case studies of organic molecules that bind to receptors, enzymes, or DNA. In this context, students will analyze the medicinal properties of organic molecules as well as how structural modifications can prevent early metabolic clearance.
This course will introduce synthetic methods, properties, and applications of materials synthesized through chemical means, ranging from organic polymers to inorganic crystals. An overview of the physics necessary to understand polymer properties and electronic structure in solids will be included. Particular emphasis will be placed on the control of material structure through chemical mechanisms and how molecular and nanoscale structure translate to macroscale properties. A portion of the course will be dedicated to the study of nanomaterials and how unique properties emerge from constraining dimensions of materials to the nanoscale. Throughout the course students will be asked to consider the effect of the development and production of synthetic materials on society.
Required: Chemistry 126 or 140.
Recommended: Chemistry 245 and one year of college-level Physics.
This course is the first of a two-semester sequence exploring the fundamental behavior of chemical systems in terms of the physical principles which govern their behavior. The specific focus is on the quantum behavior of matter as it pertains to atomic energies, bonding, reactivity, and spectroscopy. The course will also include the use of applied mathematical techniques and spectroscopic analyses of representative systems to provide concrete examples and applications of the course material. Meets four hours per week.
Mathematics 225; or consent of instructor.
Required: Chemistry 126 or 140.
Highly recommended: One year of high school physics or one semester of college-level physics.
This course is the second of a two-semester sequence exploring the fundamental behavior of chemical systems in terms of the physical principles which govern their behavior. The specific focus is on classical thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and kinetics as applied to chemical systems from both a macroscopic and microscopic perspective. Meets three hours per week.
Mathematics 225; or consent of instructor.
Required: Chemistry 126 or 140.
Strongly recommended: Chemistry 345; and one year of high school physics or one semester of college-level physics.
A physical chemistry laboratory exploring the topics covered in the physical chemistry lecture sequence in addition to other areas of physical chemistry. Connections between physical chemistry and other subfields of chemistry will be highlighted through experiments related to spectroscopy, thermodynamics, and/or reaction kinetics. Experimental design will be considered in depth, and the course will emphasize critical engagement with the scientific literature and formal scientific writing. One three-hour laboratory per week.
Chemistry 346.
Chemistry 345.
This course will explore the fundamentals of chemical bonding, both in main group compounds and transition metal complexes. The first half of the course will begin with atomic theory, then move to molecular orbital theory for diatomic molecules, group theory, and molecular orbital theory for polyatomic molecules. The second half, the course will cover the bonding, spectroscopy, and reactivity of transition metal complexes. Three lectures per week.
This is an advanced laboratory course that combines both organic and inorganic synthesis with physical methods of characterization. A large portion of this course is an independent project chosen and developed by students within a specific theme. Two three- to four-hour laboratories per week.
Required prerequisites: Chemistry 246, 252, and 345.
Required pre- or corequisite: Chemistry 360 (recommended to take 360 prior to 370).
See course schedule for any current offerings.
This course will examine (1) the basic chemistry associated with pollutant fate and transport modeling in environmental media, especially acid-base, oxidation/reduction, solubility, speciation, and sorption reactions, (2) basic physical concepts for modeling the fate and transport of pollutants in environmental media, and (3) pollutant risk assessment based on humans as receptors. Additional topics might include major U.S. environmental laws, global environmental issues (e.g., global warming and stratospheric ozone depletion), and selected scientific articles. The laboratory portion will concentrate on pollutant monitoring and chemical aspects of pollutants, measuring dispersion and pollutant transport in small-scale systems, and data analysis. Three lectures, one three- to four-hour laboratory per week, and one mandatory overnight field monitoring trip to the Johnston Wilderness Campus at the end of the semester.
Chemistry 126 or 140; and a good working knowledge of basic algebra (including rearrangement of complicated equations and use of exponential functions).
Includes a required corequisite lab, Chemistry 388L.
This course will give students who have not yet reached senior status an opportunity to participate in research with faculty in the chemistry department. The research will involve laboratory work on original projects under the supervision of a member of the chemistry department. The student must select a supervising faculty member and project before registering for the course. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
Chemistry 125, 126, 135, and 136 (or Chemistry 140); and consent of instructor.
This course will consist primarily of research presentations by scientists from colleges, universities, government labs, and industry. Presentations will span a range of areas of chemistry (organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, biological) and related disciplines (such as structural biology, materials science, and environmental science). Students will learn to engage with scientific literature by reading primary literature articles authored by the presenters, writing response papers, and participating in follow-up discussions with the seminar presenters. There will be periodic workshops on critical reading, critical writing, ethics and inequality in science, and other aspects of professional chemistry. Evaluation is based on attendance, response papers, and participation in the question-and-answer portion of the seminars and workshops. Runs concurrently as Chemistry 402. Enrollment is limited to juniors and seniors or sophomores who have declared a Chemistry or joint Chemistry major. May not be applied to the Chemistry minor.
Junior or senior status; and declared Chemistry or joint Chemistry major.
This course is aimed at students who have completed Chemistry Seminar I and want to gain further exposure to research presentations from scientists in academia, government, and industry but who have already participated in the associated workshops. Students in this course will participate in the pre-presentation discussions and attend the seminars, and will apply what they learned in Chemistry Seminar I to help lead one of the pre-presentation discussions. Evaluation is based on attendance, participation in the question-and-answer portion of the seminars, and leading the pre-presentation discussion. Runs concurrently as Chemistry 401. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits. May not be applied to the Chemistry minor.
An introductory survey of theories/simulations of proteins will be covered in this course. Topics will include molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, de novo protein design, integrated quantum and molecular mechanics, and docking small molecules onto proteins for pharmaceutic drug design. This course will attempt to cultivate computational skills necessary to tackle current scientific problems at the interface of chemistry and biology with an emphasis on graphical visualization and data analysis. A combination of lecture and hands-on tutorials will be offered during the class, which are expected to improve the students' ability to generate biochemical models essential for understanding the structure and functions of proteins.
This course will address the quantitative and qualitative study of organic molecules and reactions. Topics to be addressed include thermodynamics, molecular orbital theory, stereochemistry, aromaticity, pericyclic reactions, and reaction mechanisms. The experimental and theoretical methods for elucidating organic reactions will be a major theme of this course. A survey of techniques for studying carbocations will explore methods developed for studying elusive reaction intermediates. Student-led discussion and presentations of readings from the primary chemical literature will be a significant component of this course.
An advanced laboratory project or a directed reading project selected by the student in consultation with the staff and supervised by the staff member best qualified for the area of study. For a laboratory project, a written report reflecting the library and laboratory work carried out is required. The student must select a supervising staff member and obtain approval for a project prior to registration. If any part of the project involves off-campus work, the student must consult with the department chair for approval before beginning the project. Each credit of independent study laboratory work corresponds to one afternoon of work per week. A maximum of three credits may be counted toward degree requirements.
Two years of college chemistry; and consent of instructor.
This course will examine the role of trace metal ions in biological systems. Metal ions such as iron, copper, and zinc are essential for life and are required for the function of about one-third of all known enzymes. However, the inherent toxicity of these metals has led to the evolution of cellular machinery to control the uptake, transport, storage, and distribution of trace metals in organisms. This toxicity also has been exploited in the development of several metal-based drugs. The challenges of understanding the roles of trace metals in biological systems have led to the development of novel techniques for their study. The course will survey a selection of these methods, and will examine case studies of metal-containing enzymes, metal ion trafficking, and metal-based drugs. A major portion of this course will be student-led literature reviews, presentations, and discussion of these topics.
Chemistry 360 or Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology 325; or consent of instructor.
A detailed study of specialized subjects such as organic qualitative analysis, conformational analysis, natural products, quantum chemistry, chemical kinetics, protein structure and function, physical biochemistry, and spectroscopy. See course schedule for any current offerings.
Two years of college chemistry.
Research and writing of the senior thesis, which is based on work from two consecutive semesters, or a summer internship and a subsequent semester. The research may involve experimental or theoretical work on original projects, the critical analysis of primary literature, or the development of instructional laboratory exercises. The student must select a faculty member as thesis advisor and get consent for a project before registration. A final written thesis and a public presentation is required. Open to seniors only.
Two years of college chemistry; and consent of instructor.
All students will register for 1-3 credits of Chemistry 490. For students who have met the requirements for Honors in Chemistry, the registration in their final semester will be changed to Chemistry 498 to designate this. Students must have completed at least 1 credit of Chemistry 490 in the previous semester. Students must complete an honors thesis and submit this to the Library by no later than reading day. Requirements for the honors thesis are provided on the Library website. Students should consult with their research advisor for additional requirements and advice on preparation of the thesis. A seminar presentation on the project is also required.
Senior standing.