- Required Courses (18 Credits)
- IRES 105
- IRES 210 or 225
- At least 10 additional credits in IRES and/or approved elective courses from other departments
- Notes
- No more than 4 credits in independent study may be applied toward the minor.
- Courses applied to the Indigeneity, Race, and Ethnicity major or minor may also be applied toward other majors or minors.
Indigeneity, Race, and Ethnicity Electives
Note: Not all of the courses listed below are offered regularly. Students should consult the current course schedule to see which courses are available.
Some Special/Variable Topics courses not otherwise listed below may be applied to the given categories. If applicable, such categories will be noted in the course description.
Anthropology/Religion 153 Religion and Native America
Anthropology 206 Anthropology and Europe
Anthropology 217 Language and Culture
Anthropology/Religion 225 Global Christianity
Anthropology 228 Medical Anthropology
Anthropology 320 Language and Nationalism
Anthropology 349 Urban Life: Readings in the Anthropology of Cities
Anthropology 360 Cultural Politics of Science
Art History 325 Inventing Egypt
Art History 135 Architectures of Race
Art History 353 Blackness and the Arts
Art History 355 Indigenous Aesthetics: Native North American Art and Visual Culture
Classics/Religion 171 Apocalypse: Ancient and Modern Visions of the End
Classics/History 280 The “Other” Greece & Rome
English 231 Introduction to Shakespeare: Race, Nationality, and Power
English 245 Native American Literatures
English 246 Introduction to African American Literature
English 346 African American Historiographic Fiction
Film and Media Studies 210 The Monstrous Other: Race, Gender and Colonialism in Horror Media
Film and Media Studies 315 Bad Objects: Popular Culture and Questions of Taste
Film and Media Studies 345 The Middle East in Cinema & Media
Film and Media Studies 350 Latinxs in U.S. Media
Gender Studies 328 Queer Desires
German Studies 200-A ST Reading the Room: Sharon Dodua Otoo's Ada's Realm
German Studies 230 Conceiving and Re-conceiving Race
Global Literature 395 Contemporary Literary Theory
Hispanic Studies 143 U.S. Latinix Literatures and Culture: An Introduction
Hispanic Studies 305 & 306 Advanced Spanish: Topics in Contemporary Hispanic Culture
Hispanic Studies 308 Spanish for Heritage Speakers
Hispanic Studies 425 Tropics of Disaster: Speculative Fiction in the End of Times
Hispanic Studies 444 Decolonial Strategies in Latin(o) America
Hispanic Studies 446 Indigenous Performativity in the Andes
Hispanic Studies 447 Staging Memory & Cultural Identities: Performative Discourses in the Contemporary Hispanic World
History 105 Histories of North America
History 112 Modern Africa
History 130-A (ST) Intro to Native North American History & Beyond
History 188 Modern Latin America
History 204 Syria: From Ruin(ation) to Restoration
History 208 Latinx in the US: A History
History 209 Religion in Latin America
History 211 The World Wars in Africa
History 214 Sex in the Casbah: Sex, Gender & Islam
History 217 Decolonization in Africa
History 218 Africa to 1885
History 219 Nation Creation: Latin America in the Nineteenth Century
History 220 Ottomania! History, Politics, and Memory of the Ottoman Empire
History 243 Japan’s Modern Empire
History 247 Early Chinese History
History 250 New Worlds, New Empires: North America, 1600-1800
History 254 Social History of Stuff
History 258-A (ST) History of the American West
History 259-B/Indigeneity, Race, and Ethnicity Studies 200 (ST) American Indian Nations, 1830 to Present
History/Indigeneity, Race, and Ethnicity Studies 267 Protest & Organizing: A History of U.S. Social Movements
History 268 Im/migration and US History: Population Flows, Experience, and Nation
History 275 Modern European Imperialism
History 286 Making Modern Mexico
History 287 Colonial Latin America
History 288 Reform or Revolution: Latin America in the Twentieth Century
History 297 Nineteenth-Century United States
History 314 Colonial Moment in Africa
History 322 History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
History 344 China in Revolution
History 348 Horseriders and Samurai: Comparisons in Early Modern East Asia
History 364 Sugar, Sex, & Slavery: The History of the Black Atlantic
History 366 The Americas, 1968-1999: Dictatorship, Neoliberalism & Solidarity
History 371 African American History
IDSC 301/Environmental Studies 303/Geology 307 ST: Paleo-history, History and Ethnogeology of the Southern Columbia River Plateau
IRES 230/GNDS 230/GLIT 230 Unsettling Masculinities in French Fiction and Film
IRES 270/Religion 270 Race and Religion
Music 160 Study of Jazz
Philosophy 206 ST: African American Philosophy
Politics 110 Introduction to the Politics of Migration and Immigration
Politics/History 120 History and Politics of Mexican Food
Politics 125 The Politics of Indigeneity
Politics 228 Political Ecology
Politics 240 Mexico: Politics and Society in the Age of NAFTA
Politics 254 Gender and Race in Law and Policy
Politics 301 Art of Revolution
Politics 311 Deservingness in US Social Policy
Politics 312 Humanism Europe and Others
Politics 334 The U.S.-Mexico Border: Immigration, Development, and Globalization
Politics 335 The Politics of the Body as Territory
Politics 351 The Politics of International Hierarchy
Politics 359 Gender and International Hierarchy
Politics 362 Food, Culture, and Politics
Psychology 230 Social Psychology
Psychology 231 Psychology of Intergroup Relations
Psychology 322 Seminar in Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Religion 205 American Islam
Religion 207 Islamic Traditions
Religion 219 Modern Jewish Thought
Religion 304 Muslim Bodies
Rhetoric, Writing and Public Discourse 255 Social Justice Movements
Rhetoric, Writing and Public Discourse 342 Rhetoric and Capitalism
Rhetoric, Writing and Public Discourse 353 The Rhetoric of the Black Freedom Struggle
Rhetoric, Writing and Public Discourse 380/English 377 Rhetorical Bodies
Sociology 220 Latin@s in the United States
Sociology 267 Race and Ethnic Group Relations
Sociology 279 Sociology of Education
Sociology 353 Environmental Justice
Sociology 369 Social Stratification