Leave of Absence

A regularly enrolled student who wishes to be granted a leave of absence from the college for one or two consecutive semesters must file a Leave of Absence form with the Registrar’s Office. In preparing the request, the student is expected to consult with their academic advisor. Reasons for a leave of absence may include study at another educational institution, medical or financial reasons, or other need to interrupt formal academic work for a period of time.

A leave of absence for the purpose of study with another institution (academic leave), either as a full-time or part-time student, is subject to certain additional procedures and restrictions. An application for an academic leave to complete work in a domestic program of another school requires submission of a Request for Approval of Transfer Credits form approved by the student’s advisor.

An academic leave of up to two semesters may be granted to students whose total academic program has been at Whitman. Transfer students admitted as sophomores or who have completed a full year at another school may be granted no more than one semester of academic leave. Transfer students who have been admitted as juniors are not eligible for academic leaves. Exceptions to this policy must be assessed by the Board of Review.

An application for a leave of absence requires approval from the Dean of Students, Office of Financial Aid, and Registrar’s Office. A student on leave may not reside on campus, attend classes, or participate in the regular activities of the college.

A student on leave of absence may re-enter the college in the semester immediately following the expiration of the leave. Pre-registration for the following semester will be considered formal notification. A student on administrative leave for medical reasons must obtain the approval of the Dean of Students for the return. While on leave, a student is expected to meet deadlines with respect to room reservations and registration as stipulated for regularly enrolled students.

An extension of the period of the leave may be granted for valid reasons provided that the student submits a request for extension during the last semester of their leave except that an academic leave may not be extended beyond two semesters. If the student extends the period of leave without authorization, they will be withdrawn from the college.

A leave of absence may be canceled if a student registers in another collegiate institution without completing the procedures required for an academic leave.