Music 372: More Cowbell! Music Production: the Art Behind the Song

Credits 3
Credit Type
Semester Offered

We’re surrounded by recorded music nearly all the time, but what goes into making the recordings of these songs? From George Martin to Timbaland to Sylvia Massy, music producers working behind the scenes have shaped music in profound ways. By embarking on an in-depth study of the art of music production we will explore how this once-technical endeavor has grown into a full-fledged art form unto itself, intersecting with musicianship, psychology, and sociology. This course will study the context, process, and aesthetics of recorded music production, analyzing music productions through listening, reading, and creating, focusing on the conscious choices made during the production process that make up the songs we love. Students will embark on sustained creative projects, making their own music productions alongside their studies. May be taken for credit toward the Film & Media Studies major or minor.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Fine Arts (FI DIST)