This course serves as an introduction to comic strips, films, and graphic novels from across Latin America, Spain, and Spanish speaking communities within the United States. Students can expect to engage in discussion and critical analysis of key works from renowned cartoonists, directors, and artists including Maitena, Quino, Liniers, Víctor Erice, Guillermo del Toro, Pablo Picasso, Diego Velázquez, Alberto Fuguet and Gonzalo Martínez. We will also study intertextuality and adaptation as methods for considering storytelling and visual form across media. The main objectives of this course are to train students in practices of close, contemplative readings of visual texts and to enhance skills in critical thinking and academic writing. Course taught in Spanish. Note: Hispanic Studies 341, 342, 343, and 344 can be taken in any order. Intended for first-year students, sophomores, and juniors; open to seniors by consent only.
Hispanic Studies 306, placement exam, or consent of instructor.