Music 473, 474: Senior Recital Production for Performance Track and Jazz Track Music Majors

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered
$800; applied lesson scholarships can be used to cover this fee.

Senior performance track and jazz track music majors must perform a senior recital that is at least sixty minutes in length.. Students will receive a one-hour weekly lesson. Performance track and jazz track students may also register for one credit of 463/464 the same semester in which the recital is given if the primary teacher finds that additional preparation and rehearsal is necessary. Honors performance track and jazz track students should register for 475/476 instead. P-D-F not allowed. Credits in this course are classified as Academic credits, which are subject to the 18-credit enrollment limit.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Fine Arts (FI DIST)

Consent of instructor.