Sport Studies, Recreation and Athletics 270: Winter Mountaineering Skills

Credits 1
Credit Type
Semester Offered
$160; students may be eligible for need-based LEAF aid, contingent on available funds.

This course is designed for individuals interested in developing winter camping and cold weather survival skills. Snow shelter construction, extreme weather dressing and equipment, snow kitchens, winter camping, snowshoeing, snowpack and weather assessment, trip planning, risk management and mitigation techniques to be covered. This course is to be mainly taught over one long weekend trip. Extremely useful for individuals interested in pursuing glaciated mountaineering, multi-day winter activities or pushing their skill base to better handle camping in harsh weather. Graded credit/no credit. May be repeated for a maximum of two credits. Credits in this course are classified as Activity credits, which are excluded from the enrollment limit of 18 Academic credits per semester; however, other limits on Activity credits may apply.