Combined Major

Sociology-Environmental Studies Major


Sociology-Environmental Studies majors analyze the social dimensions of natural and built environments. More specifically, students explore questions such as, how do people’s experiences of and knowledge about environmental issues differ by race, class, gender and nationality? How do those differences shape perspectives on environmental problems and ecological damage such as species decline, toxic contamination, air and water pollution, especially now that the rate of damage is increasing? The critical study of social factors that influence environmental issues such as population growth, globalization, climate change, environmental health and environmental justice, leads to a greater understanding of society’s efforts to address such problems.

Total credit requirements for a Sociology-Environmental Studies major: 59 (34 credits in Sociology and 25 in required coursework for all Environmental Studies majors)

Common Requirements for all Environmental Studies Majors

  • Required Courses
    • Introductory Coursework: Environmental Studies 120 and 207
    • Foundation Coursework: Fulfill the following requirements for the two areas outside of your area of concentration (arts and humanities, natural and physical sciences, or social sciences).
      • Environmental Arts and Humanities: Take two elective courses from the list below.
      • Environmental Natural and Physical Sciences: Take 7 credits in elective courses from the list below. Credits must come from at least two departments, and include at least one course with a lab.
      • Environmental Social Sciences: Take two elective courses from the list below.
    • Interdisciplinary Coursework: Take one interdisciplinary elective from the list below.
    • Senior Coursework: Environmental Studies 479
  • Additional Requirements
    • Fulfill all of the requirements for a major in a specific area of concentration, chosen from:
      • Environmental Arts and Humanities: Art-Environmental Studies or Environmental Humanities
      • Environmental Natural and Physical Sciences: Biology-Environmental Studies, Chemistry-Environmental Studies, Geology-Environmental Studies, or Physics-Environmental Studies
      • Environmental Social Sciences: Anthropology-Environmental Studies, Economics-Environmental Studies, History-Environmental Studies, Politics-Environmental Studies, or Sociology-Environmental Studies
  • Senior Requirements
    • Environmental Studies 479
    • Further requirements as specified by the chosen major
  • Honors
    • Specified within each major
  • Notes
    • Up to 8 transfer credits may be applied to a major in Environmental Studies.
    • No courses taken P-D-F can be applied toward the major.

Requirements for Sociology-Environmental Studies Majors

  • Complete the Common Requirements for all Environmental Studies Majors (25 Credits)
  • Required Sociology Courses
    • Sociology 117, 207, 229, 251, and 490
    • Sociology 325, 329, or 353
    • Sociology 492 or 498
    • One additional four-credit elective course in Sociology
  • Additional Required Courses
    • Environmental Studies 488 or 498
    • One additional relevant foundational course in Environmental Social Sciences outside of Sociology
  • Senior Requirements
    • Sociology 490; and 492 or 498
    • Environmental Studies 488 or 498, which involve a written thesis
    • Pass a comprehensive oral examination.
  • Honors
    • Students do not apply for admission to candidacy for honors.
    • Students must submit a proposal for their thesis within the first six weeks of the two-semester period in which they are eligible.
    • Accumulated at least 87 credits
    • Completed two semesters of residency at Whitman
    • Major GPA of at least 3.500
    • Complete a written thesis prepared exclusively for the satisfaction of this program.
    • Earn a grade of at least A- on the honors thesis and the honors thesis course.
    • Pass the senior assessment with distinction.
    • Chair of the department will notify the Registrar of students attaining honors no later than the beginning of Week 12.
    • An acceptable digital copy of the honors thesis must be submitted to Penrose Library no later than Reading Day.
Item #
6 - 8
3 - 4
6 - 8
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits