Biology 371-A : Special Topic in Biology: Hormones and Behavior

Credits 2
Credit Type
Semester Offered

Hormones influence all multicellular organisms and play a major role in modulating how the brain regulates physiology and behavior. We will examine the interactions between the nervous and endocrine systems by investigating how the brain regulates hormone secretion and in turn how hormones influence the brain. The focus of the course encompasses how these processes influence physiology and behavior across vertebrates with special attention to reproduction, appetite, biological rhythms, aggression, and stress responses. The course consists of lectures, activities (e.g., group brainstorming, theoretical design of experiments, data analysis, etc.) and discussion of primary literature. Applies to the neuroscience category requirement in the BBAC major. Applies to the Organismal major requirement.

Distribution Area
Students entering prior to Fall 2024: Science (SC DIST)
Prerequisite Courses